Talk about a busy week! First of all, it was so good to see and talk to my family!! We only get to skype twice/ year so I would say that made my Christmas complete :) But aside from all the Christmas craziness we had a solid week! Monday was probably the most stressful p-day of my life. Whoever said p-days are relaxing lied. Lol. But even amidst the crazy stress I still feel like the Lord is blessing me. Our lessons that night were great and President Cutler arranged for a recent convert to come with us to our next lesson with Jessica. Also, our investigator, Sara, finally texted us back!! Made me realize how the Lord is always taking care of us. It's just some days are overwhelmingly tough. But those are the days that I have learned to rely 100% on my Savior.
Remember that recent convert Pres. Cutler arranged to come to Jess's lesson? Yeah. Coolest woman ever! Her name is Kendall. She was baptized about a year ago in Madison, but has since moved out West to Provo. She is such a rockstar!! And has the most beautiful testimony. It was such a blessing to be able to have her with us when at the appointment. We had a really powerful lesson and we set a new goal with Jessica for baptism!! Hooray! January 17, look out! We are really praying she'll feel ready by then. She's doing so well, though.
Earlier on Tuesday we went visiting teaching with a lady in the ward and man, that woman knows how to get it done! Seriously. We saw three less actives in an hour and a half. This woman doesn't mess around! But you know what, I'm beginning to understand just how important it is to be a friend to those you visit. In our 12 weeks training, we watch little clips of talks and such given by General Authorities and this week we watched a clip of Elder Jefferey R. Holland's testimony. He says something along the lines of how these people that we are visiting and teaching are not lifeless objects disguised as a baptismal statistic! They are real human beings. Our brothers and sisters and how we need to treat them as such. (It's much more powerful when E. Holland says it...) I can't add anything more than that. It's so important to try to see these individuals as our Father in Heaven sees them. Even though sometimes it's really hard.
Hah, on Tuesday I gave a training in our District Meeting on the Christlike attribute of "charity". It was interesting as people shared their experiences I was reminded of an experience I had a while ago in Oshkosh. We had been visiting this less active woman for a while and one night we went over to offer her some service, and by the time we had to go I felt bad cause we didn't even help her. We just had talked about life and the gospel and stuff and so I apologized for not helping her like we came over to do, but I remember she just looked straight at me and said, "oh, but you girls coming over here and just talking with me means more than you'll ever know". Charity is so much more than sharing the visiting teaching message. It's giving your time and sharing the light of Christ within you.
So I wrote some things on a sticky note that I wanted to mention in this email but I don't really have time to explain so, sorry about that :)
- Brent is an amusement park encyclopedia (seriously. name any state and he can tell you all the amusement parks there or name an amusement park and he can tell you where it is...even the ones in Canada!!)
- Went to Buffalo Wild Wings with the girlssss for Hermana Martienez's birthday. Haha that place is like sin city for missionaries.
- Finally got to see this less active that we've been trying to get in contact with since I got here! And set up a return appointment-- woot woot!!
- Mosiah 2:41 (eternal joy, people, this is what is in store for those who keep the commandments of God!!)
- Both Sara AND Jessica came to church yesterday!! Holla!! I never knew how happy I could feel sitting in between two of the most solid investigators! Blessed.
- So lately I've been getting this feeling I need to ask this man in our ward for a referral (his grandson) and yesterday at church, I did! We both felt the spirit so strong! It was such a powerful moment and I can't wait to go over and contact him and his family.
Alrighty, well. Time to venture out into the tundra. Pray for me. Jk, We'll be fine...I hope.
Sister Quist
Happy Navidad! ;) Confession: sometimes I feel cooler when I hangout with the Spanish district cause they call me "Hermana Quist" haha
love this companion of mine!! :)
christmas eve with the Munoz family!
Christmas morning breakfast with the Cutlers 

Sister Cutler, Sister Smeltzer, Sister Gross,
Me, and Sister Garner
face timing the family! Best part of Christmas!
feelin' the love