Tuesday was also a day full of ups and downs. Later that evening we had a pretty interesting experience. I'm just so so thankful for the Holy Ghost. That promise is real, guys. He will always be with you when you are obeying the commandments! Wednesday we met a really cool referral. She has gone through a TON in her life. Has four kids and her husband is in jail (for false charges...no worries + he's getting out soon). She just beat cancer last year and has a strong desire to know God better. She was very receptive to our message and we are going to go back tonight to talk to her more!
Wednesday was awesome. You know. Any missionary knows that tracting just isn't the most successful way to find new investigators. But holy cow we found a good one! I think I may have mentioned a guy named Xavier. Maybe not, anyways. He is SO COOL. And actually kept his return appointment which makes him 10x cooler. So we went over with Kelly and taught him the Restoration. The spirit was super strong. Kelly shared her testimony with him and he was really touched. We committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and to come to church. But he works on Sundays (boo) and wasn't able to make it. But hopefully this week. He is YSA age though...so we will probably have to hand him over to the YSA elders.
Thursday we were able to meet up with a girl from Utah. I mentioned her a while ago...Kendall. She is a rockstar! First of all she took us to Noodles and Co. (already winning points) then she came with us to our appointment with Jessica. And WOOOOWWWW. Spirit was strong, guys. It's so tough when you just want this so bad for someone, but obviously it's her choice so it's not like I can make that decision for her. But I just know that becoming a member of this church will bless her life in ways that she can't see right now.
We did a whole lot of service this week. If you are thinking about painting your walls, shelves, crown molding anytime soon just wait a few months and I'll hook you up. We painted some crown molding for the Sykes, some shelves for some less active women, and a few weeks ago those walls for Jaclyn. So you could say we're professional.
Friday we saw my favorite lady. BARBARA! What a gal. We're pretty much bff's and I'm going to be so sad to say goodbye if I leave next week. We had a great lesson with her. She needs to get her booty to the temple again.
Saturday was busy, busy. As Saturdays typically are. My tender mercies go as follows: Tina, painting, Fazoli's, Meet the Mormons, Connie, tracting - Eric and Emily, library service, puffs with lotion, hot chocolate.
Sunday. Solid. Irena and Jess came to church. Holla! Jayson got baptized!! What a wonderful day. And dinner at the Lagazo's. Plus the Cragers came. Funnest dinner crew ever!
And here we are. Monday. Played sports with the our district and the spanish elders. Totally killed in in basketball. Tonight we have fun plans. Gonna go see a part member family and have dinner with them! I love this work and I love West Allis.
Stay classy and choose the right.
Sister Quist
I could smell it before it came ;) (gilmore girl's reference) SNOW!

Jayson got baptized yesterday!! :) So great to see the whole family baptized. Love the Munoz Family.