Howdy, howdy! This week has been absolutely fantastic! Here are the highlights (it's like watching Sports Center, but better)
Monday was p-day. Good times...good times... played sports with some Elders in the zone. That was fun. Sometimes I think I'm good at bball, other times, not so much. Brandon took us out to dinner at HuHot, a Mongolian BBQ place. So that was pretty cool...and delicious. Then we went to FHE, but it was all about marriage and we had our training to plan, so we ditched.
Tuesday was Zone Conference! Of course my first ever training I give has to be at the meeting where my mission President and wife and Stake president are in attendance. You know how much I love giving talks, so you can imagine how excited I was to give this training. It turned out well though. We had a great object lesson, which was a total hit! It was all about referrals and how we (as missionaries) need to take care of the friends and acquaintances that members give us. Basically that meeting plus driving took up all day, so we had dinner really quick and went to the Munson's for the Face-to-Face broadcast with Elder Holland! Holy cow it was so wonderful! #shoutouttosamandadriennebunderson So fun to see familiar faces all the way here in Wisconsin. You guys are famous! Basically that was all about marriage as well (common theme for YSA, can you tell?). Okay, not all about marriage, there were some other good topics as well. The biggest thing I got out of the devotional was that selflessness is the key to happiness! In all relationships we have when we put others first we receive JOY. I can definitely testify to that. I know that as I have tried to be selfless in my thoughts, words, and actions that it leaves no room to criticize or judge. Not that I'm the most selfless person in the world, but it's crazy that I've felt that joy just as I've tried.
Wednesday...meh. Lots of contacting on Lawrence campus. If you look up the word "hipster" in the dictionary there would probably just be a picture of Lawrence University. So many Birkenstock's and thick rimmed glasses. Unfortunately, not too much success, but we still met some cool cats.
Thursday was aight. Every missionary's favorite day is weekly planning day (said no missionary ever), but it was good to get the week planned out and exchanges as well. Woohoo! We also did our weekly community service project. We go to an Ecclesiastical church, St. Thomas, and volunteer with their weekly free meal thingy. For dinner we went to the Munson's...who I love! They are the coolest family. Being around families just makes me so happy. I love the chaos that is kids running around and giggling at inappropriate comments made at the dinner table. But then again, I might not say that when I have kids...but for now, it's pretty fun.
Friday we met with Elizabeth, she's a recent convert and such a sweetheart. Such a powerful lesson. We also went to this cool hipster cafe in downtown Appleton with a LA guy for lunch. The place we went to was cool. Paying for parking was not.
Saturday was my first exchange as a Sister Training Leader! The Sheboygan sisters, Sister Koyle and Sister Butler, came up here and we took Winnebago by storm! Sister Koyle and I were paired up and we saw so many miracles. We went street contacting on UW Oshkosh campus and we talked to seriously everyone! It was fabulous. We talked to these two guys, Anthony and Randy, and they seemed quite interested. We taught the First Vision and gave them a BoM, got their numbers and invited them to church. Then yesterday we came out of our correlation meeting and there they were just standing there ready for church to start! What!? When does this happen!? I was kinda in shock, to be honest. They were great. Stayed for all three hours of church plus the potluck afterwards. We set up return appointments with both of them and we're excited to teach them more!!
Monique came to church as well! She attended Institute this past week and when we asked her about it she said because we taught her the Plan of Salvation the night before the lesson made a lot more sense. She's a gem and we love her lots. Super stoked for the 16th of April!!
God is so good! I am loving this work more than ever. As we approach this Easter season, let us all remember Him who sacrificed so willingly for us. I know our Savior lives and loves each of us. Also, this new Easter video is pretty fabulous. The Church is really killing it with the new media coming out Watch. Share. Repeat.
Keep your chins up. Choose the right. Love you!
Sister Quist
Late happy birthday shout out to my fave fourteen year old!
Welcome to the years of Stake Dances. xo
just throwin' it back to a few weeks ago with this guy!
what a hoot :)
farewell party with the west allis crew
Me and other old ZL, Elder Riena! Fun fact.
We came out together!
Sister Wise, Sister Blas, and yours truly at Mission Leadership Council! So crazy to think 10.5 months ago we were all brand new! Love these fun friends of mine. 

Sister Schlosser has turned me into a chef! BBQ chicken and asparagus is a fave around these parts.
You know you're doing your job when you walk out of an apartment with 40 pounds of empty bottles of alcohol! Yeah. We're bosses.
relieving our stress after zone conference