Hello, hello! This has been one of the longest weeks everrr. So many things going on! Started out with the FHE activity we hosted. Who knew dying eggs with a bunch of YSA would be fun? But it was a blast! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and Monique came. So that was awesome! Tuesday we had Zone Training. Our training went SO much better than last time. The Spirit was strong, my friends. It was all about how each one of us are important pieces in this mission and in the zone. Sister Cutler gave us an outline of how the training should go at MLC and gave us an activity to go along with it. It was one of those team-building activities that every high-schooler dreads. But it actually worked out and was very powerful! We each were given a piece to a puzzle and we had to figure out how every piece fit in the big picture. We talked a lot about how no matter how small or big your piece was, it was still significant. Only the song, "We're all in this together" from High School Musical could accurately describe the whole message of our training.
Wednesday we went on our last exchange of the transfer! Sister Carlini and Sister Roskelley came from Appleton for the day. Sister Carlini and I hit up UWOshkosh campus for a little while. People actually have a belief in God there! It's sad that the vibe in the world today is that it's just "easier and more logical" to not believe in a God. Most people we talk to at other campuses are agnostic or atheist. On exchanges we tried to stop by this part member family, but they weren't available, so we tracted! After a few houses of rejection we came to this cute little home. Jake answered the door and was very chatty while taking the survey. After like ten minutes of talking, his cute wife, Rachel, peeks her head out of the door and he was like, "they're talking about Jesus"! And she said, "We love Jesus, invite them to come in'! Whattttt!?! Both Sister C and I were taken off guard! But of course we rolled with it. We walk into their home and it's basically like Pinterest threw up. We proceeded to have an hour long conversation with them about the Restoration of the Gospel. It was magical. And they totally want to learn more! So that's pretty miraculous.
Thursday we met with some new investigators. Ben from Lawrence University. Had a powerful Resto lesson with him and committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. And Tesio (& Co.). They are the coolest cats ever! The Spanish elders tracted into them. We taught Tesio and one of his roommates, Kat, the Plan of Salvation. They just soaked it all in. It was kind of a condensed lesson cause we had an appointment afterwards, but they were excited for us to come back!! So we're praying that they will continue to progress in the gospel.
Wednesday we went on our last exchange of the transfer! Sister Carlini and Sister Roskelley came from Appleton for the day. Sister Carlini and I hit up UWOshkosh campus for a little while. People actually have a belief in God there! It's sad that the vibe in the world today is that it's just "easier and more logical" to not believe in a God. Most people we talk to at other campuses are agnostic or atheist. On exchanges we tried to stop by this part member family, but they weren't available, so we tracted! After a few houses of rejection we came to this cute little home. Jake answered the door and was very chatty while taking the survey. After like ten minutes of talking, his cute wife, Rachel, peeks her head out of the door and he was like, "they're talking about Jesus"! And she said, "We love Jesus, invite them to come in'! Whattttt!?! Both Sister C and I were taken off guard! But of course we rolled with it. We walk into their home and it's basically like Pinterest threw up. We proceeded to have an hour long conversation with them about the Restoration of the Gospel. It was magical. And they totally want to learn more! So that's pretty miraculous.
Thursday we met with some new investigators. Ben from Lawrence University. Had a powerful Resto lesson with him and committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. And Tesio (& Co.). They are the coolest cats ever! The Spanish elders tracted into them. We taught Tesio and one of his roommates, Kat, the Plan of Salvation. They just soaked it all in. It was kind of a condensed lesson cause we had an appointment afterwards, but they were excited for us to come back!! So we're praying that they will continue to progress in the gospel.
We had institute Thursday night which was a trip. Monique came, which was awesome! But there were a lot of comments made about deep doctrine and conspiracy theories that Sister S and I just cringed at. We were praying so hard that the comments would just go over Monique's head! But after church yesterday she brought up some things that had been bothering her from the discussion. But we got them cleared up, and all is well. We may have to move her baptism to the 30th because of some scheduling conflicts, but everything is still looking great. On exchanges we taught her about the Word of Wisdom and she agreed to live it! Yay! I'm always a little weary of people's reactions to hearing about the WoW... especially in Wisconsin.
Had some intense lessons with George this week. Guess what?! He went on the Branch temple trip to Chicago! What, what?! He tried to keep it a secret from us, but President Munson spilled the beans. This was his first time going to the temple and he loved it! Since he couldn't go all the way into the temple he just sat in the waiting area for a couple hours and read the Book of Mormon. HE'S SO CLOSE, Y'ALL!
Hmm, I'm trying to think if any other crazy awesome things happened this week. Oh, we got the transfer text and Sister S and I are gonna be kicking it together for her last transfer here in Winnebago. I'm pretty pleased about that.
Had some intense lessons with George this week. Guess what?! He went on the Branch temple trip to Chicago! What, what?! He tried to keep it a secret from us, but President Munson spilled the beans. This was his first time going to the temple and he loved it! Since he couldn't go all the way into the temple he just sat in the waiting area for a couple hours and read the Book of Mormon. HE'S SO CLOSE, Y'ALL!
Hmm, I'm trying to think if any other crazy awesome things happened this week. Oh, we got the transfer text and Sister S and I are gonna be kicking it together for her last transfer here in Winnebago. I'm pretty pleased about that.
Keep it real in the 801 (or wherever you are)! And make good choices!
still chilly in the WI

Post Easter EGG-STRAVAGANZA for FHE! It was a success.
Me & Millie with my Plan of Salvation egg