Hello, hello! Not much to say, since I got to talk to your cute faces yesterday!! What a treat.

We did have MLC on Friday, which was such a spiritual boost! Both President and Sister Cutler gave super great trainings. Sister Cutler's was all about the six levels of motivation. Those being force, fear, punishment/reward, duty, faith/trust, love/charity. Kind of made me reflect on what makes me do the things that I do. Do I get up at 6:30 am because I feel obligated to do so or because I love my Savior and His gospel? I've been thinking a lot about that since Friday and just pondering how I can take even the simple things that I do as a missionary and do them because I love and trust the Lord.
Well. That's all I've got for this week. Keep it real wherever you are. Make good choices!
Fun at the mall with George!
Love this ginger companion of mine! :)
Exchanges round 2 with Sister Peterson from Fond Du Lac!
The fab four kickin' it at MLC on Friday! We all came out together ONE year ago!
Sister Blas, Sister Wise, me, and Elder Reina