On Tuesday we had a bomb lesson with Will. Peter came and we talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Will was basically teaching us, though. But really! We asked him if he has seen his faith grow since meeting with us and learning about the gospel, and he said "yes". We asked "why", and he started talking about repentance. Perfect transition, Will, perfect transition. It was great! Last week we had asked him to pray about a date to be baptized and this week we set the date of July 16th! At the end of our lesson he said, "Last Sunday I was called an investigator, but it's much more than that. It's about doing the will of God". YES. IT IS. He then shared with us that the day prior to us tracting into him, he said a prayer in a last ditch effort to God to know if there was a God, even. Then the next day we knocked on his door! I know Heavenly Father has been guiding and preparing him to hear and accept this gospel, and I'm so happy that he's following those promptings.
Yesterday, after potluck, we had another lesson with Will. Peter came, and Meaghan did as well. We felt impressed to teach about the Word of Wisdom. I think we were all a little nervous going into the lesson cause this is Wisconsin and everyone has WoW probs, but it actually went really well. The issues are a little greater than we thought they were gonna be, but he committed to live the WoW. You could see the shock on his face when we told him he couldn't drink alcohol ever again in his life. It was great to have Meaghan there, cause she's a fairly recent convert, so she was able to relate and bear solid testimony of the blessings associated with keeping the Word of Wisdom. We really just emphasized Christ and His Atonement in all of this. There is so much strength that will come to Will as he turns to the Savior to help him quit. He knows it will only help his life and knows that the gospel is worth it.
Remember our investigator, Juan? Well, we had a good lesson with him about the Plan of Salvation. We think he understood it. To be honest, we're not really sure though. He did say that he would get baptized if he knew that this was true, though! But said he wants to attend a church service first. So he was going to come yesterday, but texted us and said he didn't have time to get his church clothes in Oshkosh (he was in Appleton for the weekend). Lame. He did say he will come to church next Sunday, though. So that's good!
It's been oh so hot and soooo humid this past week. But we tracted cause that's what we do, and found some super cool potential investigators! One of the families that we tracted into invited us back to teach them more this Saturday. They are hispanic, so we might have to pass them off to the spanish elders, but they speak great English, so we'll see what they prefer. They have the cutest kiddos, so I'm praying that it will work out! I know that the gospel blesses families so much!
fun facts:
- we went bowling last p-day
- we cleaned a member's house (it's great cause when you're a missionary chores like this suddenly become fun lol)
- I hit my 14 month mark. uhhh
- shout out to my baby sis for turning 14. xoxo go kill it at those stake dances
- went to Adam's mom's birthday party and had cake and brats
- had our last district meeting
- the branch is huge now cause people are home from school and summer sales guys from UT are here
- potluck was amazing and then we got a surprise dinner appointment, yay!
None of that was spiritual, sorry. But life is so wonderful! God is so good and there are serious miracles happening here in Wisconsin. I love my Savior and I love this work! I'm sad that President and Sister Cutler are leaving this week, but I'm excited to meet the Williams! I know they are called by a prophet of God, too, so this will be a great change.
Have a great week and make good choices! I love you!
Sister Quist
bowling last p-day and our last district meeting!

look who surprised me!! I <3 Jessica