Hello to all my favorite people! We had a pretty rad week here in Wisconsin. SO MANY COOL THINGS HAPPENING. It's insane. A couple weeks ago Sister K and I tracted into this woman named Jacquie. She's been through a lot in her life and was very open to learning more about the gospel. We went back for our return appointment and 1. SHE WAS THERE and 2. She totally gets it. The spirit was a sure witness that God is truly our Heavenly Father, that our spirits were created by Him, and that He isn't some ominous being just out there in the universe, but He knows us personally and wants us to know Him. And how do we do this? By following His Son, by living His gospel, and by loving Him. I think my favorite part about teaching Jacquie has been seeing her come to realize who God is. Prior to us meeting with her she didn't quite know what to think about Him, but as we have shared the gospel with her she is beginning to understand a little more about the nature of our Father in Heaven.
I think I told you about Cody, who just showed up to church for all three hours. Well, we got a hold of him and we're excited to start meeting with him this weekend! We've been receiving some super solid referrals lately. The zone leaders texted us with another referral for a young guy, Andrew, who is moving here soon. He reached out to the missionaries and wanted the church information and so we texted him and will be meeting with him as soon as he gets settled in. It's sometimes easy to get discouraged with all the negativity that surrounds us, not only as missionaries, but just as faithful followers of Christ. But I know without a doubt that the Lord is preparing so many of His children to accept this gospel here on earth! And despite the crazy amount of wickedness in the world, there are still honest seekers of truth out there. That gives me so much hope!
Thursday was kinda weird, haha. We got this strange text from a "Troy Bolton". (And I don't know about you, but any one who's alias is "Troy Bolton" already wins a spot in my heart.) He or she or whoever it was was texting us all this very false information about the church, so we told them that we would be happy to meet up to talk with them about it. They agreed, and we set up an appointment on Thursday. Well, the time for our appointment rolls around and "Troy Bolton" was a total no show. So that was pretty disappointing. ...No real spiritual meaning to that story, I just thought it was funny that their code name was Troy Bolton.
We had Mission Leadership Conference on Friday with all the Zone Leaders, Sister Training leaders, President and Sister Cutler, and the Assistants. What a great meeting! The Cutler's are leaving at the end of June, so this was their last MLC. I just have to brag about them for one second, so here I go. I love those two oh so much. They have helped me to become a better missionary and disciple of Christ. I just appreciate all the love that they have shown to me. At the end of MLC they each bore their testimonies. President Cutler expressed that his deepest desire is to wear out his days in the service of our God. I can definitely testify that they have been such a blessing during their service here in Wisconsin. I will miss them!
I feel bad cause this email is super long and I applaud you if you've made it this far, but like I said, so many cool things happening. Here are just a few other highlights:
- STAKE CONFERENCE WAS BOMB. Elder Evanson of the Seventy came and killed it. He talked about a lot of things, but something he said that I loved was, "Humility is having confidence that Celestial glory is attainable through Christ".
Thanks for staying tuned, guys. Much love from Wisconsin! CTR.
Sister Quist
<<When you're waiting for "Troy Bolton" to show up
and you find deathly hallow signs written on the brick walls
killin' it with the stripes at stake conference 

sister killian, katie, morgan, & me