Tuesday we had Zone Training meeting in Oshkosh. It was GREAT. And I got to see my favorite Sister Wise! She's a gem and I'm so glad she's in the zone now! We had a jam-packed meeting full of the spirit. We talked a lot about exact obedience and how it really does bring miracles! One of the missionaries said, "with every commandment or rule comes direct and indirect blessings". Yes! I believe that one thousand percent. Unfortunately people think of commandments as suggestions and not as, well, things that are commanded to do by God. But I know that when we keep the commandments, whether they be mission rules, the Word of Wisdom, or the 10 commandments that we will see obvious and direct blessings and also blessings that come in other ways.
Wednesday we saw Nicole! She's been so busy lately and had also been going through some personal things that have made her distance herself from us. But we're back on track and meeting with her regularly now. Hooray! We had a good lesson about the power of prayer and scripture study. She's still a little stand-offish to the idea of coming to church. I'm not sure why. Well, yes I do. Something about organized religion, but she's been twice in Steven's Point, so not sure what her hold up is there. She does work most Sunday mornings so that's a major roadblock :( She'll get there...we're sure of it!
Thursday we did service then we went to the farmer's market for lunch and ran into some Jehovah's Witnesses. Funny story. So it was supperrr windy that day and we were walking down the street and see that their sign stuff had blown over and all their pamphlets were flying every where, so we decided to help catch runaway papers. The lady said how one had gotten away, but I was like, "nope, I've got it"! Then she said, "Oh...well maybe you're supposed to have it". Hahahahahaha, nice line, lady, but no. I gave it back to her and then she saw my tag and we actually got in a good conversation. She wasn't really interested in our message and we weren't interested in hers, so we told her what time/where church was and left.
We also had our interviews with President Williams! What a cool cat. We talked a lot about many different things and he had some things to say that I definitely needed to hear. It was a grand time. That night we had dinner with Maria and she made us breakfast stir fry and NUTELLA PUFF PASTRIES. We died. She also told us that once her third grade teacher told her, "a day you don't learn something is a day that you're dead." Hardcore third grade teacher, man.
Friday we tracted into a YSA in a family neighborhood so that was sweet and now he's a new investigator! Luis. Just moved here from Florida and is looking for a church to attend. Music to a missionaries ears! He's way cool and we're excited to go back and share more of this wonderful gospel message!
Saturday was Crazytown, USA. We picked up Meaghan and headed to Oshkosh to have a lesson with WILL. WILL IS SO STELLAR. He's gonna get baptized this Saturday!! My heart is just so happy for him and the changes he has made to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. He has seriously changed a lot since we first met him 6 weeks ago. He kind of blows our minds with how willing and accepting he is. Great miracles, my friends!
Church was lovely and we had a few investigators there!! After our long day full of two sacrament meetings, Sunday school, and relief society, and a missionary fireside with the YSA we went to the Espinosa's for dinner. I love Hispanic people! We had the yummiest tacos of my life and both Sister Killian and I were in taco comas for the rest of the night. It was worth it though. I'm so amazed at the sacrifices people make to provide for their families. And just like eating a million tacos for dinner was worth the comas, the gospel is so worth any sacrifice we have to make. It brings so much happiness and so much peace in the Pokemon obsessed world.
I love you all tremendously and wish you a happy week!! Make good choices!
Sister Quist
we braided our hair together
my place