Got the news today that I'm being transferred to the home of the Packers. GREEN BAY! And I couldn't be more excited. Of course, I'm super sad to leave some of my faves here in Winnebago, though. These past four transfers have been some of the best. I have learned quite a bit about myself and about my Savior. First of all, we are who we are and where we are for a reason! Heavenly Father has created us and placed us in certain areas to touch the lives of our friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Sometimes we think we have to conform to a certain image in order to bring the spirit or teach the gospel, but in reality the spirit can more easily testify through us as we are ourselves.
Also, I've definitely learned that our faith is either growing stronger or becoming weaker. There is no stagnancy. It's sooooo essential to our progression and overall happiness to be consistent in our gospel living than to binge on scripture study or prayer or anything like that once a week. I've seen that even if it's the smallest righteous action it strengthens us sometimes even more than the big acts, as long as it's constant. Had a lovely lesson with Sam last night. We roasted marshmallows and I even found a couple starbursts! That brought me back to my girl's camp days. We talked a lot about doing the small a simple things. Again, goes back to consistency.
Elder Holland said, "With the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can escape the consequences of sin and stupidity". YES. Young single adults are sinful and stupid. I am one of them. It's just the nature of the age group (but not limited to as we all are affected), but the Atonement is real. It frees us from our sorrows and pain. It strengthens us in our shortcomings and weaknesses. So thankful for Christ and his willingness to take upon Himself the heartaches of the world. Grateful that we don't have to struggle alone because He knows exactly how to help us!
This week has been lovely. We had our zone training meeting, exchanges with the Appleton sisters, lots of cool people coming out of the woodwork, and Nicole came to church! Exchanges were soooo fun cause I was able to go to Appleton with SISTER WISE! She's still as fabulous as ever. We saw their investigator, Jim, whose bird totally pooped on my skirt. So that fear was realized on Wednesday. Cool. He has been meeting with sisters for over a year now and is just the most classy old man you will ever meet. He knows this church is true! He has even written thesis statements about how it's true! It's just softening the heart of his wife that is the task now. I'm so happy that Sister Wise and I got to go on at least one exchange together. I always learn so much from her whenever I'm around her, so having 24 hours to be around her was quite the treat!
At St. Thomas' this week chicken tenders were on the menu and since these Midwest people don't know what fry sauce is we made it for them and they loved it! We thought we were pretty cool. We also have to use latex gloves to serve the food and so we taught the old man serving food next to us about the Plan of Salvation using the glove as our body and our hand as our spirits then proceeded to talk to him more about it. He wasn't too thrilled with us talking about religion, but what do you expect? I mean, we are missionaries. And plus, it did spark some conversations with some other people there. So... you never know where gospel conversations can come from haha :)
We met with Will on Thursday. We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and it was so cool to see him receive revelation as we went through the lesson! Also, at church the Stake President spoke and afterwards Will was sooo full of the spirit. He was just like, "I am SO glad I came to church today. I heard a lot of things that I needed to hear". SAME. President Kindt is a rockstar and his talk was nothing short of amazing. I'm so happy that Will is recognizing the spirit more and more. A skill that we all need to develop!
I'm so thankful for the chance I got to serve here and all the people I've been able to meet. A huge part of my heart now for sure! But on to new adventures in Green Bay! :)
Much love!
had to get my UWO swag before I leave!

zone training
Pretty building on Lawrence campus
Went to a baptism in Oshkosh and got invited to the Murphy's farewell party so we went over for a few minutes because I love these people!
cute YSA's
Sister Graves is a gem for letting us come over every Monday morning to do our laundry and eat her food! I love her dearly!
Megan & Riley part 2
Karlene and I <3
we do dumb things and make people take pictures of us
meaghan, aviana, and I cheesing it up at sports night
Me and Bethany matching! :)