Tuesday we saw a former investigator, Tammy. She's a gem! Let us right in and tried to feed us fajitas. She and her kids were home and so we talked to her about all sorts of gospel things, but mostly about the family and how sacred and important it is. We left her with a family proclamation and committed her to come to church, too. She said she would. But spoiler, on Sunday morning we called her to confirm that she was coming, but she said her husband got sick and so she had to stay home to take care of her kids. Darn it. Hopefully she'll come this week.
We saw S & R again this week and taught them about the Word of Wisdom. Such a great lesson. They both committed to follow the WoW! I know that as they follow this commandment that they will be more receptive to the promptings of the spirit! R was a little sad that she couldn't drink her Starbucks any more, but we gave her a list of non-coffee things she could get there and that made her feel better :) We also saw Cayla and I met Nick, her husband. He's a funny guy. He kind of comes off like he doesn't like us there, but once he gets into the lesson we can tell he really enjoys having us over. We read out of the Book of Mormon with them and the spirit was just so strong testifying to them both that they are missing something big when they don't come to church. Nick works 3rd shift so he decided to sleep rather than come to church, but Cayla brought her daughter and came. She loves coming! And everyone loves her there so she has a lot of great fellowship. Which I am so grateful for, cause you will not believe how much of a difference that can make in someone's conversion.
We also went to this way too good chocolate place my Lambeau Field and got these chocolate bars with POP ROCKS in them. That place is dangerous. Then we headed to dinner with a part member/less active family. They were super nice and Brother P has a nephew serving a mission right now. They lean more toward the atheist side, but they did say that we could come back and "practice" the missionary lessons with them. They're not opposed to learning more though, so that is a huge blessing.
On Wednesday we had THEEEEE most awkward law of chastity lesson with a returning less active/recent convert family. Seriously. I usually love teaching the LoC, but this time was painful. Not because of us (I hope) because the spirit was definitely testifying through us, but they were just super awkward. It's okay. Cause the church is still true haha. We also had a great lesson with LILLY! I love her oh so much, but man, we got eaten by mosquitoes! I would have put on bug spray if I would have known we'd be sitting outside for an hour! My legs seriously still itch. But hey, you know I love you when I sit outside and subject myself to the zika virus for you. ;)
Thursday the Marquette sisters came and we blitzed the area with them. SISTER GARNER came and we were reunited! It was glorious and SO MUCH FUN to spend the day with her! We saw a less active/part member family and had a pretty good lesson with them and just got to know them. We then headed out to DePere to see a cute young mom in the ward. She has two super cute, sassy girls. Her husband is less active so we're trying to start the lessons with them. Then we went to TACO BELL for old time's sake. We had to. Just reminisced about our days in West Allis and it was just the best. We also saw one of my faves here in GB, Katie! Her boyfriend isn't a member and she's starting to come back to church more so we're just starting to visit them more. I'm just super excited for him to start learning more about the gospel. We ended the night with pizza with the Hermanas! It's so fun to be near old friends! I love Hna Martinez and Hna Brian! They're gems.
Friday was MISSION TOUR! It was just what my spirit needed!! So many wonderful things were spoken! Some by those who spoke, and others by the spirit. Elders Ringwood and Cordon came and it was such a neat experience to have them there. We were able to have a Q & A session with them and Elder Cordon said, "Just say "yes" and the Lord will give you the strength to do it". I know that there have been countless times when I'm asked to accept a calling or given an assignment that I feel I'm incapable of doing, but I know without a doubt that the Lord truly will qualify us as we "just say yes" and try our very best. It shows obedience and trust in the Lord, and because of that He will strengthen us. Elder Cordon also reminded us that obedience is the first law of heaven and shared the account in John 9 of the blind man being healed. We know that Christ could have healed the man, but he wouldn't have learned the valuable lesson that would heal him for a lifetime - obedience! Also remember last mission tour how I got to have an interview with Elder Shwitzer? Well, I was able to be interviewed by Elder Ringwood! It was so neat and such a humbling experience. He had a lot of great counsel to give and the spirit witnessed to me that he was definitely a man called of God. Plus, mission tour was great to see some of my favorite sista friends I've made out here!
Saturday was busy, busy! But I'm kind of out of time right now, so I'll just leave it at that :) We'll just sum it up by saying FOCUS ON THE ROOTS. Met with Luke and tried to help him understand that we must focus on the roots (Christ, the Book of Mormon, etc...) before the leaves of the tree (outer darkness, the temple) even matter! As our roots deepen, our capacity to understand the other parts of the gospel will increase.
Sunday I gave a talk! Cayla and R & S came to church! The Vanderheyden's had us over for dinner again 👌. We went to the Mills' home for Book of Mormon club and I just wish I could express how much I love the Book of Mormon. I have learned so much from the inspired words it contains!
I love you all so much!! You are such lights and examples to me!
Have a wonderful week. CTR.
Sister Quist
me and sister osburn at mission tour!
me and sister peterson!
me and my baby child! so fun to go on exchanges with sister garner and then get to hang out at mission tour!

with sister killian!

with sister killian!

me and sister carlini
a little p-day fun!