Another week come and gone here in beautiful Wisconsin! How I love it here. Recently we have been seeing a lot of cool miracles. Who am I kidding, every week we see a lot of cool miracles! But along with the miracles have come some really challenging situations. We've been meeting a lot of people who are just so close, yet so far! Good Christian people who have a strong belief in Christ, but are just wanting to bash us and try to convert us. We had a lesson with M & M and at the end of our meeting they kept expressing how they will pray that we are able to find the truth. Helloooo, we've already found it. Then they pulled out this book on converting Mormons. LOL. And then I see there is a chapter specifically on how to convert Mormon missionaries! I was appalled. Seriously, who would write a book like that? Mostly, it just made me really sad to see them reject the real truth. The Plan of Salvation gives me so much hope, knowing that this life isn't all we have to learn about the gospel, but that we will continue to learn and teach others who didn't accept the gospel in this life.
RICHARD! He didn't come to church, again. Ugh! But we did set a baptism date with him! Woohoo! October 14th is the date. He's kind of in a sticky situation with moving and everything, but we know that he needs this gospel now more than ever!! He's been reading the BoM every day and is just so willing to experiment upon the word of God! It's great. He has some very sincere desires. We're excited to start teaching his son, as well. It's just hard getting their schedules to line up.
Had exchanges with the Manitowoc sisters this week. I was able to be with Sister Hall for the day and it was wonderful!! First of all the weather was the bomb. Second of all, we just worked really hard. There is nothing more satisfying than a full purpose day. Sister Hall is so cute. We had a lot of fun.
Met with Shawna and Rilee and the Moore's a couple times this week. The ward boundary change is really taking a toll on them. They're pretty upset about it and being really stubborn! We just love them and want them to be able to keep progressing. So we just have to have faith that whatever happens, God will take care of them.
Met with a cute former investigator, Crystal. She's DARLING. She's a single mom of a super cute baby. She's very involved in her own church and is a very firm believer in Christ. Unfortunately, this lesson also turned out like the one with M & M :( She just can't accept the Book of Mormon as true scripture. I'll tell you, people are very quick to say that the BoM isn't true, but are SO unwilling to crack it open and read it! The spirit only testifies of truth, and I know that if you read and pray about the BoM then you will be able to receive a confirmation from the Holy Ghost and know that it is the word of God.
Friday was Zone Conference! What a boost to my soul. Not only did I get to see some of my faves, but leaving the conference I just felt spiritually full! I have been struggling with some things this past transfer and I left that day feeling completely void of all negativity. It was wonderful and I'm just so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Because that's how we are able to overcome our individual trials. I know that if we rely solely upon ourselves we will get nowhere, but if we rely on Christ we can get anywhere! :)
We have also met with Cayla a few times this week! She's doing SO GOOD. Please pray for her, cause the adversary is working hard on her. But she's a tough cookie. She told us that no matter what she is going to come to church every week. If not for herself, for her kids. And that's what she did! Came again for all 3 hours and loved every minute of it. The ward just adores her. Sunday night we went to dinner with her and Nick at the Grant's and it was perfect. Their stories are strangely similar. It was so good for C & N to see that members of the church are flawed and imperfect, but can live the gospel fully and happily!
In Relief Society on Sunday I sat by Cayla and we're singing the opening hymn and after we get done it's quiet, cause everyone is waiting for the prayer and Cayla just blurts out, "YOU SING LIKE A DISNEY PRINCESS". Haha, it was really funny. She's so darling.
God is so good, folks. There are so many things each day that try to shake our faith, but as we actively choose to do the things God has asked us to do our faith will be strengthened!! :)

I love you all TONS. CTR and be kind to people.
Sister Quist
So fun seeing these cute sisters!
Sister Carlini, me, Sister Naughton, Sister Christenson, Sister Peterson, and Sister Stosich
I love President and Sister Williams!
How would you like to have Lambeau Field in your backyard?