Tuesday was, like I said, MAGICAL. The day included tennis, breakfast, meeting such a prepared FAMILY, a bday call from President and Sister Williams, surprise district meeting lunch and party, cheese curds x2, getting a headquarter referral, Vanderheyden's for dinner, seeing Cayla, and many other wonderful things. Let me just expound on the cool family that we found! We turn onto a street to tract a little bit, cause what is a birthday without tracting? And we knock on this door, and we're standing there and clearly no one is home. Then we see a young couple pushing a stroller with the cuuuutesst little baby in it. S Hansen and I had the same thought to go talk to them, so we did! And the door we knocked on was actually theirs, so that was funny. So we introduce ourselves to them and Jenny's husband has to jet off to an appointment, but we get to know Jenny more and she's just so delightful. Very engaged in the conversation and so, so nice! We end up giving her a BoM and setting a return appointment. My heart! Such a great start to the morning. :)
We also were able to see Mai (Benson's mom) a couple times this week! The first time on Tuesday, which was really good. We talked about eternal families. Then the second time on Saturday b/c she invited us to eat some Hmong food at their shaman ritual thing. It was interesting and we saw a dead goat.
Thursday we braved the crowds at Lambeau field. Not theee most effective use of time, but we did meet a cute girl named Alli and took some fun pictures. So that was great. So sad that people spend so much money to go to a NFL game and then get absolutely wasted 20 minutes into it. We also had dinner at the Bishop's home and began our exchange with the Manitowoc sisters!
Friday I was in Manitowoc with Sister Wright!! She just came out this past transfer and is an absolute delight! She was so great and we just tracted our hearts out. It was freezzzzzing, but met some great people. Sister W is a really awesome missionary and has it wayy more figured out than I did at 6 weeks!
We had the ward trunk or treat on Saturday and that went really well. Lots of LA families came and it was so good!! Also apparently I left my brain in Manitowoc's car along with my bag on Friday when we exchanged back. Soooo Saturday morning we had to drive all the way to Manitowoc to retrieve it. Cool. But all is well now.
Sunday we had a few investigators come to church!! Cayla, Hallie, and Vicky! It was great. We also helped with crowd control in the primary for third hour. We got caramel corn.
I've been thinking and praying a lot about something that was said in DTM this past week. Elder Stokes was giving a training and shared how he had prayed that Heavenly Father would accept his offering that day, and he felt the response, "I hope you accept mine". Oooohhh. I've just been thinking how as I give my all each day, and hope that it's good enough, am I also turning to Christ to accept Him and what He's done for me? Just some food for thought.
Alrighty, well that was our week!! Hope you all have a fabulouuuusss week. CTR. Be good.
Sister Quist
game night at lambeau field! the fences across from the field are just covered with cool packer pride signs. 

the 21 year old me and elder kelly - the elders made a bday meal for me and all 3 districts that meet at the GB building to celebrate! (oh hey, elder platero!)
comp love <3