Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 50 - Slack-lining in a Pencil Skirt + General Conference

Hello there! It's been a lovely week. 

1. It's APRIL! What?! Can't believe it. Wisconsin must not know that because we've seemed to reverted back to winter. 

2. Had a cool lesson with an investigator, Vince. He's more into theology, but the spirit was definitely there and we committed him to pray about baptism. He said he would! We brought Megan, the Relief Society Pres, along with us and her testimony just added to the lesson. Like the bathtub was already full, then Megan bore her testimony and it was just overflowing. I'm so grateful for members who know that this church is true. 

3. Went on exchanges with Sister Peterson from Fond du Lac. Basically all our appointments cancelled. Cool. So we spent four hours contacting on Lawrence University campus. Woof. But it went really well. We talked to a lot of people. I even saw some people I've talked to before. Which made me feel famous. They still haven't read the BoM we left with them, but that's okay cause we got to follow up and now they're going to (hopefully haha). So it was hour three and we were making our 17th lap around one of the two streets we can legally contact on and we spot these super hipster guys slack-lining on campus. So I'm like, "Ooooh, Sister! I love slack-lining". We decided it would be a fantastic idea to go talk to them. Of course they invited us to join them. Sister P declined, but insisted that I tried it. First of all, it had been raining hard core that day so the ground was sopping wet. Second of all, I was in my bulky rain boots and a pencil skirt. So I pulled off the boots and managed to get up on the slack-line by hugging the tree (classy, I know). Finally got up and I totally killed it. The hipster guys were pretty impressed. Since we were technically on campus we couldn't give them any cards or BoMs or anything. But I decided to be a rebel and left a card on their jackets anyways. 

Post slack-lining -- Sister Peterson and me

4. General Conference, guys! Feeling spiritually full coming out of this weekend. I loved every second of this past conference! Well, almost every second. Why on my mission have I had to call 911 more than I have in my life? While watching the first session on Saturday an Elder had a seizure and had to be taken by ambulance to the ER. Super scary, but he is okay. Lots of commotion and adrenaline and I don't think that all that Grey's Anatomy prepared me for real emergencies. It kind of just left me thinking about how precious life is and how precious each and every one of us are. I loved Elder Donald Hallstrom's talk. He said, "A correct understanding of our heavenly heritage is essential to exaltation. It is foundational to comprehending the glorious plan of salvation and to nurturing faith in the firstborn of the Father, Jesus the Christ, and in His merciful Atonement. Further, it provides continual motivation for us to make and keep our indispensable eternal covenants". Not only are the saving ordinances of the gospel essential to our exhalation, but "a correct understanding of our heavenly heritage". Motivation and confidence will come as we recognize that the words "I am a Child of God" aren't just lyrics to a primary song.

5. Monique is doing fabulously! She came to both sessions of Conference on Sunday and loved it. Loved watching her take notes and experience it all for the first time. Well, actually the second time, but the first time actually knowing what's going on. We were able to talk to Monique about the temple this past week and she just loved it. We showed her the baptismal font and jumpsuits and she couldn't stop smiling. Still super excited about April 23rd! 

Have a blessed week and keep choosing the {harder} right! 

Sister Quist

Final district meeting of the transfer with these cool cats.